John's ukulele makes a special appearance this week as we try and play some Mummford and Sons without a banjo. We're playing The Cave as it was requested by, our very own Mel, Emma Hazzard.
During the set up we discover that Susan is so aggressive, it's probably the Santa coat she's got.
Come As You Are and Ironman get the ukulele treatment before Adam has a go.
Susan's car gets a few mentions, she loses her iPod under it, talks about a phantom boob feeling technique while driving 50mph in it, and dries her bra from the aerial of it.
John reveals The Hazzard's secret and Susie Webster becomes Suzi Quatro - 1 thinger 1 thong.
Susan finds the perfect fit and it's long and heavy.
The old saying "lefty loosey righty tighty" makes an appearance followed by the new saying "not at the same time yah clown".
Adam somehow manages to hit a high F while Susan strums the wrong string, which is a bit harsh.
All of this leads, unsurprisingly, to the discovery of Susan's Innuendo Tourette's.
A bit of good news now as we discover that Susan's lovely dog, Blue, doesn't have cancer.
Susan absolutely nails it with her Hot Water Blues. John doesn't with his pretentious twat story.
We discover that Susan has been spoiled by Disney World and no other theme park will do, not even the flumes at The Magnum Centre featuring the teenager with bikini removing skills, which must actually kill your fingers.
Susan teaches John how to play bass then we find out that bass players and drummers are frequently in tune with each others rhythms.
Susan's aggressiveness could be why she's an elastic band bully.
Susan rides a chicken to Italy via East Kilbride, Heathrow and Basle to become a nun in training.
Awesome miming skills lead to talk of shakers and triangles.
Things take a sensual turn in Guitarmageddon After Dark, ideal for some Steel Panther.
Believe it or not, this week, some music was played! And on that bombshell...
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